健康及醫療 / 醫療護理愛護健essencelifecare


成立於2015年10月, 位於元朗教育路的卡素拿動物醫院是元朗區內首間獲國際貓科醫學協會(International Society of Feline Medicine, ISFM)認可的動物醫院, 同時為愛護動物協會動物絕育資助計劃的獸醫診所之一致力為區內區外的動物提供最優質的治療。
C寵物 / 獸醫Casula Vet

A caring and professional veterinary clinic in Yuen Long area 一所貼心及專業的獸醫診所
p寵物 / 獸醫petcoreyl

K寵物 / 獸醫Kowloon East Animal Hospital


Welcome to Dr. Eric ’ s Animal Clinic 歡迎光臨黎昌生獸醫診所 Introduction Dr. Eric's Animal Clinic is located in Happy Valley and Tseung Kwan O. Both clinics is owned and operated by Dr. Eric Lai. The pra
D寵物 / 獸醫Dr. Eric Lai Cheong Sang

Kowloon Cat Hospital is a Feline exclusive vet clinic that provides quality veterinary care to your dearest feline family members. The clinic is "Cats Only", without the noise and smell of
K寵物 / 獸醫Kowloon Cat Hospital

The Ark Veterinary Clinic was established by Dr. Kylie Griffin in 1995 as a companion animal clinic and hospital. Having worked in Hong Kong for five years prior, Dr. Griffin's aim was to provide the
T寵物 / 獸醫The Ark Veterinary Hospital

位於銅鑼灣中心地帶,鄰近地鐵;店內衛生達標。紋身師擁有超過13年經驗,專注於水墨風格,為Mediazone HKMVC Services Awards 獲獎者。
美容 / 半永久化妝墨舞 Torrential Ink

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

室內設計,家居設計,辦公室設計,寫字樓設計,裝修工程,屋企裝修,傢俬訂造,Interior Design,Renovation,Furniture,Re-Decoration,Office Furniture,Residence Renovation,Tailor Made Furniture
I設計 / 室內設計Innotec Asia (HK) Limited

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.

Flint Tailor作為一間專業西裝訂造及恤衫訂造服務公司,為每位顧客, 公司團隊、各大小企業、機構客户等度身訂造西裝和度身訂造恤衫,專業訂造西裝和恤衫訂造設計團隊能夠給客戶帶來一個創新的專業服裝設計的體驗。在現今的社會,由銀行保險業到零售業,不同的行業在對應客人時,都必定配備員工一套完整的制服,從而提升公司形象,也能讓顧客更感受到公司的專業服務,公司員工也更能團結一致,提升工作效率,所以服務
設計 / 產品設計「Flint Tailor」專業訂造西裝訂造恤衫專門店

Our Mission : Providing Peace-of-mind Technology & One-Stop Tailor-made Services to Customers About us: As a member in a group, Mactronic Business Systems Ltd. (MBS) has been established since 11
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫美加商業系統有限公司

離島獸醫服務 Island Veterinary Services位於離島區的獸醫診所新界愉景灣愉景灣商場B座G10地舖

非牟利獸醫服務協會 Non-Profit Making Veterinary Services Society位於油尖旺區的獸醫診所九龍太子基隆街22號,24號,29號,72號,77號及79號地舖

仁德動物醫院 Pet Cares Professional Veterinary Services位於大埔區的獸醫診所新界大埔瑞安街6號地下
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